On the first day of January 1969, five Lutheran congregations - Good Shepherd, Ashland; St. John's, Kimmels; St. Paul's, Gordon; St. Peter's, Lavelle, and Zion, Girardville - united in ministry to form Christ's United Lutheran Church. A single council handled the business of the congregation, while each "chapel" held its own worship services led by pastors called by the congregation.
May God bless our future as He has blessed our past, and may the ministry of God at Christ's United thrive and prosper for the sake of the Gospel. Amen!
St. Paul's History October 15, 1974
St. Paul's History April 8,1992
St. Paul's 75th Anniversary Bulletin
St. Paul's 100th Anniversary
St. Paul's 100th Anniversary Bulletin
St. Paul's 100th Anniversary Pictures