Sundays @ 9:30am
Saturdays @ 6:00pm
PHONE: 570.875.1591
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Operational Committees
Audit Committee: This committee, appointed by the Council, meets annually to review the financial records of the congregation to insure that a proper accounting of all assets and debts has been made in accordance with local laws and procedures.


Endowment Committee: This committee receives, invests and maintains a fund used to provide scholarships and grants to members of Christ’s United Lutheran Church, camping and leadership conferences, outreach to the community, and other programs the committee deems appropriate. The Endowment Fund is kept separate from the congregational budget.

Contact: Janet Towey

Finance Committee: This committee prepares and drafts a budget for the succeeding year, including the congregation’s financial support of the wider ministry occurring on our behalf by the ELCA and the Synod. The committee offers direction and advice to ensure all the financial affairs of the congregation are handled efficiently.

Contact: Ann Marie Dillman

Mutual Ministry Committee: Selected by the Pastor, members of this committee work with the Pastor to develop a faithful and effective ministry between the Pastor and congregation.

Gardening Club:

Contact: Darlene Stank

Nominating Committee: This committee works within the congregation to seek members to serve in leadership positions, particularly as Council members. Composed of outgoing Council members and those elected by the congregation, members of the Nominating Committee may only serve non-consecutive terms.


Personnel Committee: This committee is responsible for all matters related to the staffing of the congregation. By direction of the Council and in consultation with the appropriate committee, the Personnel Committee develops job descriptions, develops employment policies, handles interviews of prospective staff members, and recommends staff changes to the Council. This committee also serves as a resource for all staff members to voice concerns and to receive guidance.

Contact: Ann Marie Dillman

Property Committee: This committee is responsible for the proper maintenance and protection of all property of the congregation. The Property Committee works with all other committees of the congregation to make sure all ministries have the space and equipment resources needed for ministry.

Contact: John Towey
Facilities Usage: The buildings are the property of the church, and both members of the congregation and the community may arrange to reserve them for family celebrations, programs, or other events. Guidelines for usage and fees, if any, may be found by contacting the church office.

Safety & Security Team:

Contact: Ken Dengler
Technology Committee:

Call Committee:
